Barton Levels

There are 10 Levels in The Barton Reading and Spelling System.

My belief is that when tutoring children in grades K - 4, which would be the grades where early intervention would be most needed, Levels 1 - 4 are more than sufficient to bring a child up to or past those grade levels. 

Below is a review of what is taught in Levels 1 - 4 of The Barton Reading and Spelling System:

Level 1: Phonemic Awareness
We teach the 7 essential phonemic awareness skills as rapidly as possible.
Lesson 1:CV and VC nonsense words
Lesson 2:CVC nonsense words
Lesson 3:VCC nonsense words
Lesson 4:CCV nonsense words
Lesson 5:Rhyming & Real Words

Level 2: Consonants & Short Vowels
Lesson 1:A, B, F, M, P, S, T
Lesson 2:I, C, G, H, L, N, R
Lesson 3:O, D, J, K, V, Z
Lesson 4:U, W, X, Y, QU
Lesson 5:E, SH, TH, CH, WH, CK

Level 3: Closed & Unit Syllables
Lesson 1:Blends at the End
Lesson 2:Blends at the Beginning
Lesson 3:Blends at Both Ends
Lesson 4:Digraph & 3-Letter Blends
Lesson 5:Spelling–Floss
Lesson 6:Spelling–Kiss the Cat Rule
Lesson 7:Spelling–Milk Truck Rule
Lesson 8:Spelling–ING INK Units
Lesson 9:Spelling–Catch Lunch Rule
Lesson 10:Spelling–Contractions
Lesson 11:Spelling–Kind Old Units

Level 4: Multi-Syllable words and Vowel Teams
Lesson 1:Open Syllables
Lesson 2:Syllable Division Rule #1
Lesson 3:Syllable Division Rule #2
Lesson 4:Spelling–/k/ in the middle
Lesson 5:Spelling–Double Letters
Lesson 6:Spelling–Schwa
Lesson 7:Syllable Division Rule #3
Lesson 8:Syllable Division Rule #4
Lesson 9:Three-Syllable Words
Lesson 10:Spelling–The Banana Rule
Lesson 11:Spelling–The Confident Rule
Lesson 12:Spelling–Long A, E, I at End (Vowel Teams)
Lesson 13:Spelling–Long O, U at End (Vowel Teams)
Lesson 14:Spelling–Vowel Teams in Middle 3 (Vowel Teams)